Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Evidently, Pornography Become Main Causes of Sexual Violence

Evidently, Pornography Become Main Causes of Sexual Violence

Dudy Novriansyah
Monday, 16 May 2016 − 05:30 WIB

Pornography illustrated
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JAKARTA - Pornography has become a trigger sexual immorality and sexual violence are rampant these days happen. Families asked to maximize accompany the children.

"I got the data, from 2000 since the Minister of Women era of Gus Dur, when children accessing pornographic video content, then 67 to 75 pesen potential addicted," said Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa in the event of a decade of Pondok Pesantren Bahr Ulum, Tambakberas, Jombang, Sunday (15/5).

She said that, when the kids are addicted to pornography, then the previously taboo was considered to be normal. And worse, 39-49 percent of children imitating pornographic content which they see.

"High once the effect of access to video content watching porn addicted," said Khofifah.

She recounted dialogue with the perpetrators of immoral that led to the murder YY, junior high school student in Bengkulu. The perpetrators who still teenagers and minors admitted watching pornographic videos using a mobile phone. They are busy to watch while drinking palm wine. Children younger threatened by more adults to commit acts of violence.

The same thing also justified Chairman Qurrota A'yun Psychology Consultant, Dimas Cokro Pamungkas. He highlighted the convenience of accessing porn sites from mobile phone, lack of sex education for children and a touch of religious values in children as well as the severity of penalties for sexual criminals as the main cause of rampant sexual immorality and sexual assault.

"The solution, for precaution, give early sex education, keep children from pornographic videos on internet, teach child to be especially alert to strangers. While the solutions for cases that have occurred, give punishments as severe as for the sex offender, especially the attack victims children under five," he said.

Dimas who is also the Chairman of Pagar Nusa Sapujagad rate, the pedophile is more violent and dangerous than thieves, fraudsters or criminals though.

"Sexual crimes left a deep and prolonged trauma for the victim, the victim how sorry if I have to support the weight of psychiatric during his life is still long. I accept their punishment for the castrate rapists or pedophiles," he concluded.
